Conditions seed fair

A non-profit fair
The goal of the organization is maintaining and promoting free seeds and the diversity of agricultural crops. And we look at this in quite a broad sense: this includes seeds, beans, tubers, cuttings, but also information about storing seeds and a sustainable food production. Products can be exchanged, given away of sold for a generous price. We understand that some organizations and farmers have difficulties with surviving financially and we therefore do not oppose it if you request compensation for your expenses. However, this should not be a commercial fair. Everything is done by volunteers and the day is not intended for making profit.

Hybrid and genetic manipulation
F1 hybrid seeds are not welcome. The use of these seeds opposes the conservation of robust, traditional and/or special crops. Of course, the same applies for genetically modified seeds, these are also not welcome at the fair.

We do promote an organic food production as much as possible, so this means without the use of poison and fertilizer. However, not everyone with a garden has a SKAL certificate, and this would also hot be desirable, as this would be too expensive and too much of an administrative hassle. We assume good intentions of all of those that participate with the fair.

Provision of information for seeds
When conserving special crops and trading seeds and cuttings, it is of importance to know exactly what you have in your hands. As organizers of the market we therefore also assume that everyone offering those seeds, tubers and cuttings, provides the necessary information with it. This includes the name of the variety, type and family (preferably both in Dutch and in Latin), the year in which the seed was harvested, origin, particulars (soil type, climate and weather conditions) and the name of the person (or horticulture garden or collective) that multiplied the seed. If this is not listen on the bags, please ensure that people at the stand have the opportunity to note this down themselves.
Of course, we hope that this information can also be found at the free trade tables with all present seeds.

As organizing group we have invited a number of horticulture gardens, organizations and people. However, we hope to avoid a strict separation between stand holders and visitors. Everyone who has some self-stored seeds or tubers left to trade, we invite you to take these with you. You can reserve a corner for it in advance or make use of the free table. Of course, this does not mean that people who are not (yet) participating with the multiplying of seeds that they are any less welcome.

On the ASEED website there is a document with more explanation about trading seeds.